Delivered by HCPC registered occupational therapists, our wellbeing packages can be tailored to support the needs of you and your workforce. This can include:
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Sessions – upskill your workforce and help increase their confidence and confidence to identify, talk about and promote their own well-being and that of others. Sessions could include topics around - sleep, alcohol/drugs misuse, anxiety, depression, stress, etc.
Mental health and well-being sessions – moving away from the education side to focus on team well-being and strategies to support this. Sessions based around the NHS 5 Ways to Well-being. Perfect for a short session within the working day.
Support and/or supervision for mental health/well-being champions in the workplace
Drop ins – a dedicated time and place for people to feel listened to and supported and offering signposting to additional services.
Consultancy – to support businesses to identify and address the bespoke well-being needs of their workforce and use this to underpin a responsive mental health policy.
We are also interested in working with businesses to robustly evaluate the developments they put in place and share good practice across the sector.
What next?
Book in a free meeting with our wellbeing lead who can visit you and your team in person or via MS Teams to present further information for your consideration.
Book in a free meeting with our wellbeing lead who can visit you and your team in person or via M...
This page aims to provide you with some clarity and options to support you in making that step. ...
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Our aim is to share a weekly blog exploring all things Haswell and training related.